Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blogmas Day 06 - 10 ❄ What the Heck Happened to Blogmas?

Why, hello there everyone! Let's cut to the chase, Blogmas has not been it's most successful as of late and I am to take full responsible for that. I trucked through Blogmas Day 05 and after that I got a wee bit lazy and as soon as I felt the blog mojo coming back I got sick. I don't know what I got sick with but I couldn't eat or breathe out my nose and my anxiety went through the roof. I think I've tried to write one particular post about 5 times and each time I fell asleep. I even wrote that into the post and then fell asleep typing mid sentence. I promise you, I wasn't all there, haha. I am starting to feel a bit better. This is the first day since last week that I haven't felt completely sorry for myself and just laid in bed napping. I actually thought about calling it quits on Blogmas because I just missed so many days and it didn't look like I was getting any better, but I don't like leaving things unfinished! So I'll leave today's post as an update. I've been busy with work and then got sick as a dog (where does that expression come from?) but Blogmas will continue tomorrow! I'm gonna get on replying to comments on posts from maybe a month ago now because I've been completely rubbish at that. I don't know why I've been feeling so lazy but I've got my go-go juice (*high five* toddlers and tiaras reference) and I'm ready to get back into it!

How have you all been? Are your Blogmas' going smoother than mine? I hope so!


  1. Blogmas is a lot easier to agree to before it actually started, as soon as you decide to do it everything's gonna go downhill.. That's how it was for me.. lol glad you're feeling better!


    1. LOL, it seems that way doesn't it? I'm determined to keep up though! :)

  2. Hahah don't worry about it. We forgive you. ;)
    Hope you feel better soon!

    Shree | porcelainshree.blogspot.com

  3. Hope you feel better soon! Also hope that the anxiety eases soon, because I know how horrendous that can be.

    Love from Jasmine at http://rabbit-wood.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Thank you, Jasmine! I really appreciate it :) xo


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