Wednesday, March 5, 2014

101 in 1001 • 001

Here we go! The first update of my quest (sounds so much cooler than journey, haha) to completing 101 things in 1001 days. I think I've got a good start for the first month! I just need to be more aware of what I'm accomplishing because I'm always too in the moment to document it, haha, which I guess isn't a bad thing unless you're attempting to document it! For the complete list of my 101 in 1001, click  • here •

067. Make my super-man-friend smile big on Valentine's Day.
Okay, so I didn't exactly make him smile super big with my gift, but my reaction to all his gifts throughout the day sure did make him smile, so ... I'm counting it ;D

036. Shoot 10 rolls of film.
Crazy, but I've shot three rolls of film in February. They didn't develop so fabulously, which was unfortunate. 

008. Buy a Pennyboard.
Now I just have to learn how to stay on it for longer than 15 seconds, haha!

029. Do 5 random Pintertest DIYs.
I got started on some DIY's that I've stumbled across on Pinterest. Thought I'd spruce up my moleskin journal with washi tape and rhinestones! If you search 'moleskin' and 'wash tape' you'll find loads of inspiration for it! 


  1. Super cute post! I'm sure just spending time with your other half on Valentines would of made him smile anyways.
    Oh and I wish I could still shoot film. It's been a few years now as I have no access to a darkroom anymore. My love of photography will always primarily be in the dark room.

    Best wishes,
    Danielle x

    1. Thanks, Danielle! Haha, yeah, I think you're right, but it was still something I wanted to do! I know, it's so hard to find one or even try to do it on my own. I went to a drugstore that had a wet lab. but it's totally not the same :/

  2. Good job Jess!! Congrats on getting stuff done, that's always such a good feeling :D


  3. You're on a roll! Can't wait to see future posts. :)

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life


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