Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Blog Button!

Hey lovelies! Quick message. I've remade my blog button and I think it looks loads better now and a lot cleaner! If you've already grabbed my button feel free to switch 'em up or not if you do so choose :) The new code will be in the left side bar and also at the bottom of this post for easy access (oh goodness, haha) Have a very goodnight and I shall talk to you all in the morning! :)

The Mod Mermaid

1 comment:

  1. added your new button to my blog! am a new follower and have found myself going through and reading all of your posts, they are really great! xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I do read and respond to most comments when I can, but please refrain from spam (follow for follows, giveaways, ads, so and so forth) xx :)