Wednesday, July 3, 2013

➳ June Favorites

ANOTHER VIDEO?! Whoa, I've been a productive lady, haven't I? So in all honesty, as everyone writes up their reviews and talks about how fast the month flew by, I was sitting at home ... not even knowing it was July yet. Seriously, my days of the week and dates in general have been completely off. I almost packed up and left this morning thinking it was July 4th and I had to get ready before my dad came to pick me up to leave for Pennsylvania. It wasn't until 'favorites' posts and videos started popping up that I even thought to look at my calendar! I can't believe it's already July and that half the year is almost over. The most exciting things happening in July for me are the 4th of July and Hershey Park which are all this weekend, haha. But hey, at least I'm finally getting to leave my house! I haven't been going out too much this month, mostly stayed in at home or going out in as minimal make up as possible. I've got a few beauty bits, a seriously random favorite, and then an epic favorite buy of the month June (which isn't so epic because you see it in the thumbnail, haha!) If you're interested in seeing some of my favorites for this past month, you can do so in the video below! I think the heat got to me at some point because I sing, I dance (well my eyebrows do) and go a bit mental, haha.

What are some of your favorites from June? Did you enjoy the musical interlude, haha? :)


  1. My beauty fave this month is The Body Shop Tea Tree facial wash. It's sorted out my 'hormonal' face a treat!
    Rachel xx

    1. I vaguely recognize the name and wondered how it would fair on hormonal blemishes! Will have to pick it up next time I'm in there :)

  2. St Ives remains one of my favourite scrubs even after all these years of trying new things ^^ Great favourites xx

    1. They make really lovely scrubs, don't they? I know I didn't get on with the Apricot one but it felt really good when I used it, haha!

  3. I really enjoy your videos! You're always so funny in them! xx Rena

    Kiss and Make Up

  4. Of course Ariel is in there :) and I love the EOS balms! I have the strawberry sorbet and the honeydew. I'm obsessed. It's always either in my hand or right next to me haha

    1. But of course! :) Strawberry Sorbet is my second favorite (was my favorite before passionfruit, haha) Mine is never too far behind either!

  5. Love your videos they're so funny! You sound like me during break I never leave the house either haha

    Sarah x

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah! Haha, it's so bad! When I have things to do that involve leaving, I don't want to do it, and when I don't have things to do, I get so bored!

  6. I saw the photos for this post and watched to find out about what the Ariel box was...I was so sad to see it was a make-up palette, and i don't think it's available in the uk. boohoo.
    I do love your blog tho!

    -sarah xo

    1. Oh man, I'm so sorry! Yeah, unfortunately it's only available in the US :( I don't know why though! It's such a popular collaboration it would do them well to create more stock and expand! Sorry about this):

  7. The bag looks super pretty and summery! :)

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Thanks, Sandra! I've been wearing it non-stop! :)

  8. Great favourites! I love a lot of these products too :) xx

    1. Thank you! & that's awesome! Which ones ? :)


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